Answers at your fingertips
You can scroll through the FAQs or click on a category below to scroll to that section of the page.
- About ABLE
- Benefits
- Contributions
- Eligibility
- Fees
- General
- Gifting
- How the Account Works
- Linking Bank Accounts
- Opening an Account
- Prepaid Card
- Qualified Expenses
- Successors and Estates
- Tax Benefits
- Can my ABLE account move from one state to another?
Yes, you can choose to roll over your account from one state’s program to another.
- Can I close and transfer my Alabama ABLE account to an ABLE account in another state?
Yes, but you can make only one rollover every 12 months. Use the other ABLE plan’s rollover forms to start the process.
- Can I transfer an existing ABLE account into my Alabama ABLE account?
- Yes, but you can only make one rollover every 12 months. You can use an ABLE to ABLE Rollover Form to get started. An ABLE account can also be rolled over to an eligible member of the family upon the death of the original beneficiary who opened the account, provided a successor beneficiary was... Read more
- Can someone else access my account?
To keep the account safe, don’t share your password or let someone else have access to your account, unless they are the Authorized Legal Representative (ALR). If you want to add, change, or remove the ALR for the account, we have forms to help you with the process.
- Who owns the account?
The account is owned by the beneficiary, regardless of whether they opened the account, or it’s managed by an Authorized Legal Representative (ALR). The funds in the account belong to the beneficiary.
- Do I use the same login information if I manage multiple ABLE accounts?
Yes. You have one username (email) and password to log in to all of the Alabama ABLE accounts you manage.
- How does the account work?
- Everything can be managed online. The money can be saved in a cash option and/or invested in one of the three investment options offered: ABLE Conservative, ABLE Moderate, and ABLE Aggressive. These choices are made during the account setup. By law, you can make investment changes to your account... Read more
- Can I open a new account if my previous account was closed?
Yes, log in to your closed account using your email and password, then find the “Create new account” link to get started.
- How do I add multiple bank accounts?
- Once you’re logged in to your Alabama ABLE account, find your “Accounts” section in Your Profile and click on “Add a new bank account.” Follow the steps to connect a new bank account associated with either the beneficiary of the Alabama ABLE account or the Authorized Legal Representative... Read more
- Can I change how my Alabama ABLE funds are allocated?
Yes. For any new contributions to your account, you may select which Investment Options you would like to contribute to. For any funds that are already in your Alabama ABLE account, you can only switch the investment choice(s) you’ve currently made up to two times per calendar year.